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Employment Physical Exam

As trained occupational medicine specialists, our WellNow providers are able to perform physical examinations at any of our locations or directly at your workplace. We’ll examine and provide medical recommendations as well as supply the appropriate paperwork necessary for employees to start or return to work.

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Encouraging employee health and safety.

Through our physical examination services, WellNow helps your organization remain compliant with the appropriate regulatory agencies. We also help promote employee health by encouraging a safer work environment. Our programs are customized based on your needs, and we perform examinations on a schedule that minimizes downtime.

A medical provider examining a patient.

General Employment Physical Exams

We’ll help ensure you and your employees are ready to get the job done. Our team is prepared to administer exams prior to employment, during employment, post-accident and even yearly to keep your workforce safe, well and compliant.


We will help determine whether applicants are medically and physically able to perform their potential job duties. Depending on the position's requirements and employer, our trained medical staff will create an exam that caters to the job's unique duties.

Fit for duty

If an employer has specific concerns about an employee’s ability to perform their job duties safely and efficiently, we will work with the employee’s physician to conduct an examination tailored to fit the requirements of the job.

Return to work

A return to work evaluation is performed to ensure that an employee can safely return to work and to perform his or her job duties following an injury or illness. We will collaborate with employers to develop plans for modified duty or additional support, as needed.


We offer annual physicals to help employers determine if their employees can continue to perform their duties safely and effectively. This may include a review of the employee’s past medical history and current medications.

A firefighter putting on their helmet

Job-Specific Exams

Some jobs call for specific needs and requirements. We’re prepared to evaluate employees to determine if they’re ready for work based on what lies ahead.

DOT physicals

A federally regulated medical examination to determine if a person meets the federal standard to drive a commercial motor vehicle, performed by our NRCME-certified providers.

Bus driver

This exam is a state-regulated physical designed specifically for bus drivers, similar to a DOT exam.


WellNow performs all firefighter exams according to OSHA and NFPA standards, if required. The process includes two clinic visits and multiple tests to assess the firefighter’s physical condition and ability to perform on the job.


Our providers offer regular physical examinations, pre-employment physicals, and other services for officers in accordance with local and state regulations.

Hazardous material (HazMat)

During a HazMat exam, our providers will evaluate employees for any health effects due to hazardous-material exposure. This exam includes a physical examination, review of medical and work history, blood work, dipstick urinalysis, audiometric screening, pulmonary function testing (PFT), chest x-rays and an EKG.


Employees who are exposed to asbestos may need to have a medical surveillance exam in accordance with OSHA 1910.1001. The program can provide early detection of asbestos-related illnesses, helping ensure that employees are able to perform their job duties safely.


According to OSHA guidelines, employees who are exposed to crystalline silica particles are at risk for several diseases. Our providers will work with you to ensure your employees are safe from the harmful effects of silica exposure

Utilize our experience in occupational health and let our dedicated team of medical providers at WellNow partner with your business.

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