How to Properly Lift Heavy Objects and Avoid Back Pain
Avoiding unnecessary back pain may be as simple as learning the correct way to lift and move heavy objects.

Understanding Proper Lifting Techniques
Back strain is a common injury that can affect anyone, and one of the most common causes is the improper lifting of heavy objects. By learning the correct way to lift things, you’ll reduce your risk of back injury and strain that can lead to back pain. Let’s discuss how to safely lift heavy items, injury prevention and general care for back strain.
How to Lift Heavy Objects Correctly
Proper lifting technique for heavy objects can be broken down into four phases: preparation, lifting, carrying and set down. If you follow these steps, you’ll be able to accomplish your goals safely.
Preparation: Assess the Load and Environment
Before you begin, examine the object you need to move and ask yourself what needs to be considered. Is the item bulky or an awkward shape? Will it be difficult to see over or around? What path will you take as you walk with it? Can you get a proper grip, or should you find a container to help you carry the object?
The more you know about your task, the safer you will be.
Lifting: Understand Correct Posture
Once you have determined the best route and safety, it’s time to begin. To safely lift a heavy object, follow these instructions:
Stand as close as possible to the item
Keep your feet firmly on the ground, shoulder-width apart
Bend only at the knees and hips, ending in a squat position so you are close to the item you are lifting
Keep your back straight and your head facing forward
As you grab the object, hold it close to your body at waist height. Always brace your core by taking a deep breath just prior to lifting and exhaling once standing.
Lift with your legs, push your feet against the ground and stand, straightening your legs while avoiding arch or rounding of your back.
Carrying: Maintain Stability and Balance
As you move while carrying a heavy object, do your best to ensure your toes and knees face the same direction. You want to move in as straight of a line as possible, using your feet to turn if you need to.
Keep the item held level with your belly button and take breaks if you need them. Walk with small steps to avoid additional strain on your body and get to your destination efficiently, but without pushing your limits.
Set Down: Repeat in Reverse Order
When you set down a heavy object, you want to keep the same tips in mind as when you picked it up. Remember to take it slowly and carefully, setting the object down may seem like a quick end to your task but it still has risks. When setting down heavy objects always:
Bend at your knees
Keep your head up and back straight
Hold the object close to your body
Brace your core once again by taking a deep breath and exhaling once you set the object down.
Preventing Lifting Injuries
With the proper techniques to lift heavy objects under your belt, you’re ready to carry heavy objects with ease. But, even when you use the proper technique, there are risks involved. Here’s how you can further prevent back injury.
Ask for Help
You don’t have to complete your tasks all by yourself. Asking for help and using tools are two of the easiest ways to avoid back injury and pain when lifting and carrying heavy objects. Get a friend to help lift the object so it is less heavy for both of you. Or, better yet, use a dolly or other material handling tool and avoid putting strain on your body altogether.
Common Lifting Mistakes to Avoid
Now that you’re aware of the correct way to lift heavy objects, there are a few common mistakes you want to avoid as well. They may seem harmless, but they can lead to complications and problems due to the way they affect your body when lifting heavy items.
When lifting objects you should avoid:
Twisting your torso
Lifting the heavy object over your head
Obstructing your vision
Treating Back Pain
If you are experiencing back pain, rest, icing the area and compression can help. If you suspect the pain is due to lifting heavy objects, you may have a muscle strain in your back. If the pain does not lessen, you may want to seek diagnosis and treatment from a medical provider.
At WellNow, our dedicated medical team can help you ease your symptoms and better understand the source of your pain. Visit an urgent care location near you or start a virtual visit today.
WellNow Urgent Care is a series of urgent care clinics and virtual care serving the Midwest and Northeastern United States in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania.
Information contained in this blog is for informational or educational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. The content is not meant to be complete or exhaustive or to apply to any specific individual's medical condition. Always refer to the personalized information given to you by your doctor or contact us directly.