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Six Tips to Enjoy Large Group Events Safely

Whether you’re celebrating a day out or attending a professional event, understanding crowd safety is key.

From fandom and work conventions to reunions and concerts, large gatherings are fun to experience and attend but they can also bring some safety concerns. Follow these six tips to enjoy your event — safely. 

Learn the Safety Protocols of the Venue

If you do experience an emergency, you may not be able to leave the event right away. Every situation calls for unique responses and how those responses are met is determined by the event leaders and/or venue directors. You may see signs or receive literature on your way in, educating you on protocols and who to contact in a time of need. The safest thing you can do when a problem arises is follow the instructions given. 

Have an Exit Strategy

While the event or venue you are attending will have plans in case of an emergency, you should too. In addition to program-run contingency plans, make note of the exits as you travel through the event so you know which you can reach most efficiently. If you’re part of a group, have a plan or specific meet up area in case anyone gets lost or separated. When attending group functions with children, point out staff members and explain safe ways to ask for help. 

Dress for Comfort and Function

We always want to look our best or show off our passions with outfits, but comfort and function should be what lead your wardrobe for events. Safety is more than knowing your entrances and exits — it’s also about taking care of your body. Shoes designed for walking and clothing that does not restrict your movements will reduce the strain on your body throughout the day in addition to making your exit easier. And if your event is outdoors, don’t forget the sunscreen! The more comfort you can give yourself throughout the day, the more you’ll be able to keep up with the rest of the event and not be worn down at the end. 

Stay Hydrated

While it may seem intuitive to stay hydrated throughout the day, there will be plenty of distractions for you and your group. Staying hydrated will not only make the day easier but help prevent illness. Do what you can to ensure you consume water at regular intervals. The venue may sell refreshments, but having a water bottle handy will help you avoid waiting in long lines and taking drinks when you need it rather than when it’s convenient. If you have a bag, packing a few electrolyte powders to mix in with your water can add in more needed nutrition to your day. 

Understand Group Movement Safety

Crowds can get unruly, even if there is no emergency. People get excited and may rush to a certain area. If you find yourself caught in a large group of people moving forcefully in a certain direction, do not push forward. You will have less room to move if you only go forward. Instead, place your arms in front of your chest like a boxer, preventing your airways from getting constructed if you’re pushed into someone, and move diagonally through the crowd. You are more likely to get to an exit quickly and safely with diagonal movement rather than following an unorganized crowd in a straight line. 

Keep Communication Open

Ensure your phone is charged and you have your emergency contact’s number memorized or written down. Even when there is nothing to worry about, open communication will ensure a better experience for your day. You may witness someone else in a time of need and having an open communication channel will make it easier to reach event or venue leaders. 

Keep these tips in mind as you attend large gatherings and events. The safer your activities, the more you can do, see and attend. And remember, if you ever feel unwell while traveling, WellNow Urgent Care is on your side! 

WellNow Urgent Care is a series of urgent care clinics and virtual care serving the Midwest and Northeastern United States in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania.

Information contained in this blog is for informational or educational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. The content is not meant to be complete or exhaustive or to apply to any specific individual's medical condition. Always refer to the personalized information given to you by your doctor or contact us directly. 
