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Treating Skin Maladies at WellNow Urgent Care | Amherst (Harlem)

Personalized care is waiting for you at WellNow. Visit us today for a comprehensive exam that includes diagnosis and treatment options. We’ll work with you to understand the source of your skin issues and determine the care best for your needs.

(716) 541-0550

(716) 541-0551

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Have you been injured or are you experiencing discomfort due to a skin-related illness?

Learn about the injuries, illnesses and symptoms we treat that affect your skin.

Abrasions (Scrapes)

Abrasions, also known as scrapes, are wounds where one or more layers of your skin have been removed by rubbing or tearing. If the abrasion is large, deep or contaminated, you should seek medical treatment.

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Cuts and Lacerations

A cut, also called a laceration, is a break or opening in the skin. A cut may be deep, smooth or jagged. It may be near the surface of the skin or deeper, affecting tendons, muscles, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels or bone.


A burn is the result of severe damage to skin tissue caused by heat, electricity, chemicals, or radiation. Some burns — such as electrical burns — can cause damage beneath the skin that is not visible to the eye.


Redness, itching and potential blisters on the skin signal the need for professional attention. Rashes can be itchy, dry, or sore. They’re usually uncomfortable, and sometimes they require medical treatment.

Experiencing something different?

Explore the variety of illnesses, injuries and symptoms we treat to better understand how you’re feeling. If you require experienced care, our medical providers can help diagnose and offer treatment options in the same visit.

Why Choose WellNow?

Walk-ins always welcome, no appointment required

Low wait times with appointment updates sent to your phone

We work with all insurance plans, with a flat rate for uninsured care

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